Thursday, May 20, 2021
Testing Intelligence (8th May)
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Could playing video games make you violent?
2) Seeing so many deaths, virtually killing others, listening to the noise make kids become immune to the horror and reality of death. It makes them fearless in a bad way.
3) The fontal lobe of the brain is responsible for controlling a person's behaviour. It does not grow fully until a person is about 20 years old.
4) Although video games have ratings, teenagers play such games meant for mature/adult people.
5) Video games are escapism - teenagers escape dealing with everyday duties or problems and their ability to deal with them worsens. When a real serious problem occurs, they might react in an exaggerated brutal way.
6) Video games desensitize youngsters, make them less emotional and numb.
7) Your brain stores all violence as trauma and a young person may not know how to deal with the stress caused by it.
8) Video games are very attractive and young people get easily hooked.
2) Although there have been many studies about the impact, they give different results.
3) Video games are fantasy for kids and fantasy has always been part of childhood.
4) It is claimed that only abnormal amount of hours spent playing violent video games starts to effect our brain and its development.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
I'm an architect
1. Plan your design and drawing. Think or write key words into your notebook:
# Who is it for?
# Where is the building - location and landscape? What's next to the building?
# How big is it, how many storeys?
# Think about environmentally-friendly materials. What is it made of? What colour is it?
# Think about renewable energy resources. Are you planning to use any? How? (Think about heating, water, sewage, lights etc.). If not, what energy will be used to run the building?
# How many doors, windows? Are there any balconies, chimneys, porches, patios etc.?
2. Find a good paper for drawing a design. If you are skilled at computer, you can use a PC programme. You do not have to write any words on your design.
3. Prepare making a presentation
1. Make an introduction before showing your design: greeting, what type of building, its location. Your webcam should be on.
2. Show your design by sharing the screen. Describe your building in details: material, features, heating etc.
3. Stop sharing your screen and turn the webcam on. Finish your presentation. Be ready to answer 2 questions from the viewers.
4. Points: 0-24 points
max 5 for design. (details)
max 5 for information / content
max 5 for speaking
max 3 for deadline
max 3 for asking questions
max 3 for using a webcam, eye contact is important today too
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Make, Take, Do - practice
Task 1: Make or do
Task 2: make or do QUIZ
Task 3: make, take, have or do
Task 4: make, take, do
Task 5: make or do
Task 6: let, make, have
Task 7: do, make, get, take
Make, take or do
1) Kas ma saan vastuvõtuaega broneerida?
2) Ma sooviksid kaebust esitada.
3) Me saame öömaja pakkuda kümnele külalisele.
4) Sa võtad mu sõprust iseenesestmõistetavana.
5) Vaata! Lennuk on õhku tõusmas.
6) Otsustame ära!
7) Vähese rahaga on raske hakkama saada.
8) Mulle meeldib loodusest pilte teha.
9) Ma pidin eile valuvaigisteid võtma.
10) Pinguta rohkem!
11) Meeldiv teiega äri/koostööd teha.
12) Ma olin jahmunud.
13) Ta tegi väga hea pakkumise.
14)Äri hakkas kiiresti õitsema.
15) Sa tõesti muutsid mu päeva heaks!
16) Lepime kokku, et kohtume kell 12.
17) Sa pidasid huvitava kõne.
18) Pärast mitut tundi töötamist hakkasime edusamme tegema.
19) Kas sa jood kohvi suhkruga?
20) Sa teed toidust liiga suure probleemi.
21) Ma ei saa erandit teha.
22) Mulle üsna meeldib majapidamistöid teha.
23) Kas sa saad mulle ühe teene osutada?
24) Kuus miinus 4 on 2.
25) Ma lihtsalt täidan oma kohust.
26) Ära ela end minu peal välja.
27) Ma pean juuksed korda tegema / soengusse seadma.
28) Me saime halvasti testiga hakkama.
29) Kas see auto sõidab 150 km / h.
30) See voodi võtab liiga palju ruumi toas.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Revision: Unit 4
1) Describe your ideal home
2) Describe the photo of a building as if you were a real estate agent. You can also bring out advantages that are not seen in the picture.
3) What are the pros and cons of living in a town or in the countryside? Which one do you prefer? Why?
4) How to prevent homelessness?
5) An environmentally-friendly house
6) Real estate agent - write a description of 10 sentences for this flat.
Kinnistu, puitmaja 1/3
Lisainfo: parkimine tasuta, seinakapp, uus elektrijuhtmestik, kinnine hoov, mööbli võimalus, mööbel
San.ruum: wc ja vannituba eraldi, boiler, dušš
Küte ja ventilatsioon: elektriküte
Side ja turvalisus: kaabelTV, naabrivalve, trepikoda lukus
Ümbrus: asub keskuses, teed heas seisukorras, naabrid ümberringi, ümbruses korterelamud, meri 1,5 km
Korteri aknad hoovi poole, aias parkimiskoht ühele autole tasuta kesklinnas. Läheduses ühistranspordipeatus, kool, lasteaed, turg, kauplus, kaubanduskeskus.
Rent: 230 eur kuus
Monday, March 22, 2021
Sunday, March 21, 2021
A flat to rent
* which type of house / how many floors
* location in Estonia
* which floor
* year built / condition
* 3 important facts about its location or neighbourhood
* how many bedrooms
* size in m2
* 3 important things in the kitchen
* 3 important things elsewhere in the flat
Browse the real estate ads and find one flat that is (quite) similar to the one on your wishlist. Write down its description.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
SB ex 2/44 and revision
1) nearest
2) worst
3) highest
4) further / farther
5) more spacious
How to forms of adjectives?
1) fast
2) slim
3) friendly
4) comfortable
5) boring
6) good
7) bad
8) far
9) little
Now scroll down and check your forms
1) fast - faster - the fastest
2) slim - slimmer - the slimmest
3) friendly - friendlier - the friendliest
4) comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable
5) boring - more boring - the most boring
6) good - better - the best
7) bad - worse - the worst
8) far - further/farther - the furthest/the farthest
9) little - less - the least
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Warm-up task
Both students answer the questions. Think about yesterday, Wednesday's lessons:
1) What time did you start your school day?
2) How did you prepare for your school day in the morning?
3) How can you plan your school day in the morning by using Stuudium? What kind of information is important there?
4) What was your first lesson? What did you have to do there? How much time did it take you to finish all tasks?
3) What was your fifth lesson? What did you have to do there? How much time did it take you to finish all tasks?
4) When did you eat breakfast? What did you have for breakfast?
5) When did you have lunch? What did you have for lunch?
6) When did you finish studying yesterday?
7) How did you relax yesterday? What did you do after studying?
8) What did you do well yesterday?
9) Which tasks or lessons needed more attention?
10) How can you plan your school day better on Friday?
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Unusual buildings
Now design a building on your own and add information. On one side of the paper make notes, on the other side draw the building for showing to the others.
In your presentation, you should describe your building:
1) Where is it? (location, landscape, distance from other important landmarks etc)
2) Which materials are used? What colours?
3) What does the shape remind of?
4) What about its size (m2), number of rooms, height etc?
5) What are different parts of the building like? (roof, walls, doors, windows etc. ) What features does the building have? (lift, balconies etc)
6) Who/What is it for?
7) What is the name of your building?
other relevant information you want to include
Prepare your speaking:
* maintain eye contact (by looking at your notes)
* find words to stress
* don't be too fast, but fluency is important
* pay attention to pronunciation
* start and finish your presentation
Task: max 5p (whether you have provided enough information)
Speaking: max 5p
Giving feedback (written) 2+1: max 5p
Deadline: 3p
16.5-18p "5", 13-16p "4", 9-12p "3", <9p "2"
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Unit 3: Essay
Do you like learning more about your body and health?
How do you learn? Where do you get your information from what's good for you?
Which topic is the most important?
Why did you choose to write about....?
A tip - it might be a good idea to leave space for your title and introduction and start with a paragraph to save time and get started. Do not write similar sentences what you write in your paragraphs.
Paragraphs (choose 2 and expand them by facts and opinions, give examples of what you have experienced). Try to recall what you learned from the student book or group work. Use expressions from SB ex 5/39.
1) Leisure time (hobbies and interests). How do they support your mental and physical health?
2) Extreme sports - threats and opportunities
3) Caution, injuries and first-aid
4) Feeling unwell (treatment)
5) Body limits and pushing yourself too far (accidents and dangers)
6) The human body in 100,000 years
7) Body clock
8) Why is sleep important?
9) Caring about your appearance
A tip - choose the ones where you have enough personal opinion, experience and you remember more facts to prove your opinion.
Do you pay enough attention to a healthy lifestyle?
What would you like to change in the future, do differently?
etc. Use expressions from SB ex 5/39
A tip - You shouldn't bring new topics or examples into your conclusion. Write in general.
Ticking the boxes - after writing
1. I have written an introduction which is about a tenth of my essay. (2-4 sentences)
2. I have equally expanded 2 paragraphs. (min 5 sentences each) I have used expressions from SB ex 5/39
3. I have written a conclusion which is about a tenth of my essay. I have used an expression from SB ex 3/39
4. I have written at least 200 words (1 notebook page)
5. I have used synonyms and different phrases to vary my vocabulary.
6. I have avoided using "you should...if you do...", instead I have written about myself and what I know and feel.
7. I have written "I" (mina) in capital letters.
8. I have used short forms correctly (don't etc)
9. I have clearly made corrections and given my best handwriting.
10. I have added an appropriate title to my essay.
Friday, February 5, 2021
Unit 3: Practice
Task 1: Will or going to?
Task 2: Will or going to 2
Task 3: Future Continuous
Task 4: Future Perfect
Task 5 : Future Continuous or Perfect ?
Task 6: Quiz
Task 7: Word formation (nouns => adjectives)
Task 8: Word formation 2
Memrise => Group 8 => 16. word formation
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
U3: Night and Day
1) noorukiikka jõudma
2) inimene, kes eelistab vara tõusta
3) veresooned
4) lühimälu
5) maailmarekordit tegema
6) rasvasid seedima
7) eriti tõhus
8) palju valgust eraldama
9) keskendumisvõime
10) kui hommik on koitmas / algamas
Task 2: Use those phrases in the context of the text
1) Noorukiikka jõudes su kehakell muutub.
2) "Lõoke" eelistab hommikul vara tõusta ja vara magama minna.
3) Hommikuti on veresooned pinges ja vähem elastsed.
4) Uuringud näitavad, et lühimälu on parim enne keskpäeva.
5) Pärastlõunal on sportlastel suurem võimalus maailmarekordid purustada.
6) Õhtuti on me kehal raske rasvasid ja suhkruid seedida.
7)/8) Sinine valgus on eriti tõhus meid ärkvel hoidmas ning mobiiltelefonid, arvutiekraanid ja lameteleekraanid eraldavad palju sinist valgust.
9) Pärast keskööd väheneb sinu keskendumisvõime kõvasti.
10) Kui hommik koidab, siis melantoonitase väheneb ja su keha valmistub ärkamiseks.
Now check
1) reach adolescence
2) a lark
3) blood vessels
4) short-term memory
5)break a world record
6) digest fats
7) particularly effective
8) emit large amounts of light
9) powers of concentration
10) as dawn approaches
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Injuries, being unwell and treatment
2. break a bone
3. bruise
4. burn
5. cut
6. nosebleed
7. have a black eye
8. sprain your ankle
9. twist your ankle
10. feel jetlagged
11. have a panic attack
12. have a blister
13. have a splinter
14. get sunburned
15. have a temperature
16. have a hayfever
17. have a rash
18. be dizzy
19. diarhhea (Am.E.) / diarrhoea (Br. E.)
20. get bitten by a viper
21. have a headache
22. have a sharp pain in your stomach (left side, above your hip)
23. faint
24. have a leg cramp
25. have a sore throat
26. have a runny nose
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Welcome to my club!
1. You are going to organize an after-school club and make a short presentation to advertise it. Your presentation has 3 slides.
2. Create the first slide with its basic information: which club? where? when? who? how much? It should look like a poster. Do not write (long) sentences.
3. Make the 2nd slide where you focus on activities.
4. Make the 3rd slide either with an attractive image or add a link of a video (no more than 1 min.
* Photography Club
1. I'd like to join it because I like taking photos.
2. ...there are so many interesting activities, hiking and so on.
3. ...I like photos and hiking.
4. .. because I'm not good at taking photos.
5. ... because his photos were so professionally taken.
* Baking Club
1. ... because it sounds fun and I love baking.
2. ... because of free food.
3. .... that old pan is funny.
4. ... because I like to eat good food.
* Surfing Club
1. ... because it sounds like a fun idea and the speaker a kind of sold this club to me.
* Fitness Club
1. ... it looks amazing.
2. ....I'd like to get more fit and eat healthy.
* Fitness Club
1. ... it looks amazing.
2. ....I'd like to get more fit and eat healthy.
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Unit 2: Revision
Task 1: Present Perfect- warm-up exercise
Task 2: Is it corret or incorrect?
Task 3: Past Simple or Present Perfect?
Task 4: Past Simple or Present Perfect (level 2)
Task 5: : Eating out (scroll down to find quizzes)
Task 6: Compound adjectives (read through the examples first and then do the test)
Task 7: Memrise (Unit 2 and/or Extra vocabulary on Food)
1) Make an introduction (Greeting, what you are going to speak about, what is your role, your slogan etc)
2) Speak clearly, not too slowly, not too fast.
3) Maintain eye contact with you audience.
5) Express enthusiasm to get others involved. (Positive attitude, confidence, show that you believe in your ideas)
5) Finish your presentation.
Word banks:
1) Can you say/write 10 different free time activities (not sport related)?
2) Can you say/write 15 different sports?
3) Can you ask/write 10 different questions starting with "Have you ever...?"
4) Can you say/write 10 different foods common in particular countries? (food + country)
5) Can you say/write 10 different adjectives to describe food?
6) Can you say/write 10 different compound nouns?
7) Can you say/write 10 different compound adjectives?
8) Can you say/write 10 different extreme/adventure sports or activities?
9) Can you say/write 3 different phrases for expressing preference, objections and agreement? (9 in total)
10) Can you say/write 10 different school clubs?
Revision topics (5 sentences for each)
1) Speak/Write about somebody's unusual hobby.
2) Speak/write about geocaching.
3) What do you know about bread? How is bread made?
4) Describe one of your classmates' school club.