Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Thursday, November 23, 2023


 1. as fit as a fiddle

2. alive and kicking

3. be under the knife / go under the knife

4. be under the weather

5. be back on your feet

6. a bitter pill to swallow

7.  a clean bill of health / give sb a clean bill of health / get a clean bill of health

8. to have/get/give a new lease on life

9. to have frog in sb's throat

10. to turn one's stomach

11. like a dog with two tails

12. live in a fool's paradise

13. life is just a bowl of cherries

14. music to sb's ears

15. whatever floats your boat

a)  to have surgery or an operation.

b) refers to being unwell, typically with a cold or other minor sickness

c) you’ve successfully recovered from injury or sickness and are feeling better again!

d)  it refers to a change in mental attitude or outlookWhile not always, the idiom is commonly used to describe a situation in which an event or person has caused a change in somebody else for the better.

e) a difficult or uncomfortable realization that someone comes to. It could be accepting a difficult situation or admitting that you’re wrong

f) to be in excellent physical shape or to be very healthy.

g) unable to speak in a clear way. The reason that this idiom is included in this list is that it’s very common to use it when you’re unwell.

h) something that’s (still) functioning in a good way. This can be a person, an object or even an idea!

i) when a medical professional acknowledges that you’re healthy and free from health-related issues

j) If someone is  ..... , they are extremely happy.

k) If something is ... the information that you receive makes you feel very happy.

l) it gives you an immediate feeling of nausea or sickness. This idiom is commonly (although not always) used to refer to food.

m) If someone is .... , they are in a state of contentment that will not last because their happiness is based on illusion or false hope.

n) This expression means that life is pleasant, uncomplicated and full of enjoyment.

o) Although you don't quite agree with someone, it's their choice and you think they should do whatever makes them happy.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Is Chocolate the Answer?

 1) Hiljutine maailma õnne uuring ütleb, et rikkus ei ole peamine põhjus õnneks. 

2) Kui sa kannatab tõsise raskuse all, siis on ebatõenäoline, et sa oled õnnelik, aga kui su põhivajadused on rahuldatud, siis materiaalsed asjad muutuvad vähem vajalikuks. 

3) Õnn seisneb rohkem nende asjade äratundmises ja väärtustamises, mis sul olemas on. 

4) Materiaalsete esemete nautimine ei kesta kaua. 

5) Kuu hiljem su jõulukingid vedelevad hüljatuna sahtli põhjas. 

6) Pikaajaline õnn tuleb mitte käegakatsutavatest asjadest. 

7) Üks oluline tegur on sotsiaalsed suhted. 

8) Ennast kaitstud ja austatud tunda on väga oluline. 

9) Tehes head ja olles lahke igapäevaselt paneb sind tundma väga õnnelikuna. 

10) Pole üllatav, et tervis on teine oluline õnne tekitaja. 

11) Terve olemine ja terveks jäämine nõuab teatavat pingutust. 

12) Iga päev trenni tegemine aitab vähendada stressi ja ärevust. 

13) Trenn paneb sind tundma optimistlikumana, sest see eraldab endorfiine. 

14) Paljud teismelised kannatavad vähese magamise all. 

15) Väsimus mõjutab sinu keskendumisvõimet ja võib aeglustada su arengut. 

16) Nüüd, mil sa tead teooriat on aeg panna see kõik käiku. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Travellers' Tales

With the help of the Internet, please prepare writing your travellers' tale. Gather as much  information as possible. All names and geographical information has to be true, but the story itself can be a fantasy.  

 1) Decide who you are together with on your road trip. Take notes of your car. 

2) Choose an interesting country

3) Find 2 different places (towns) in that country. It's better if they are quite far apart because your journey needs to be longer than 2 days. 

4) With the help of Google Maps, find out how to drive from A to B. Write down: how many kilometres, how many hours the journey is, which other major towns or important areas the road goes through. 

5) Find interesting sights along the route. All names have to be accurate! Take notes. 

6) Decide where you are staying for each night. If it is a hotel / motel, then take notes about it. If you decide to sleep in the car or on a campsite, also find out where. 

7) Where do you get food, where do you eat? 

8) All the information should inspire you to make up events and actions. Take notes. What happened on that road trip? It's advisable to create a  timeline in your notebook. 

WRITING (You can use your notebook, but not your textbook or the Internet)

1. Your story has: 

* accurate information about the route, sights and places

* description of your car

* description of your accommodation

* description of your food / places you had food

2. Your story is written in narrative / past tenses. 

3. In your story you have used phrases for ordering the events (By the time, suddently, at first etc.)

4. There are some quotes in your story. 


Correction of mistakes

1) Names: The Crown Hotel, The Old Bell Restaurant (without quote marks, all nouns in capital letters, article "the"!)

2) Geographical names: Lake Windemere, The River Severn

3) it's or its? (it's = it is / it has; its = belongs to it)

4) so = as a result, therefore, consequently, hence, resulting in .... (There has to be a comma before "so".)

5) Is "and" needed? We drove to the town and on our way we picked up a hitchhiker. => We drove to the town picking up a hitchhiker. 

6) Try to avoid using unnecessary words. We wanted to go to do some shopping. => We wanted to do some shopping. 

7) Don't misuse commas! First we started driving towards the capital, it was a 3-hour-long journey. => First we started driving towards the capital which was a 3-hour-long journey. / First we took a 3-hour-long journey towards the capital. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Route 66


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Planning a holiday

 1) Describe your best holiday so far.

2) What type of a traveller are you?

3) What is your favourite means of transport? What type of journey is your favourite?

4) What types of holidays do you like / would you like?

5) Do you prefer travelling alone, with family or with friends?

6) Do you prefer active holidays or leisurely ones?

7) What are your interests?

8) How far can your holiday destination be from Estonia? 

9) How long would you like to stay on holiday?

9) What is your budget? 


Creating a poster / advert

Imagine your are a travel agent whose job is to put holiday packages together and advertise them. If you were absent on Wednesday 19th October, then answer the questions above and create a an ideal package  for yourself, otherwise for your deskmate. 

1 Describe a "typical" traveller your holiday package is for.

2) Write a suitable and catchy slogan.

3) Add description of the area, sights, activities, accommodation etc.

4) General info: time, cost, transport, group size etc.

5) Add attractive photo(s)

6) Contact info: company's name, phone number, website, e-mail

Share your documents with your teacher (first name.last

Thursday, October 5, 2023

A Responsible Traveller

When we travel we take our holiday in somebody else’s home. Our holidays can impact their environments, cultures, economies and ways of life. Treating local people and places with respect is the right thing to do, and opens up possibilities for more authentic travel.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

U2: A Road Less Travelled

 Sustainable / responsible tourism 

1) märkimisväärselt

2) vaheaastat võtma, aastast akadeemilist puhkust võtma

3) maakool

4) kogukonna arendamine

5) meeldima, köitma (kellegile, kedagi)

6) minema / reisima asulatest kaugemale

7) suunduma

8) eluiga

9) pakkuma tööhõivet

10) kedagi vaesusest välja tooma / aitama

11) heategevuslik fond

12) kolmetunnine autoreis

13) turistilõksud

14) rahvamassidest eemale saama

15) eeskuju näitama


1) remarkably

2) take a gap year

3) a rural school

4) community development

5) appeal to sb

6) get off the beaten track

7) head for

8) life expectancy

9) provide employment

10) lift sb out of poverty 

11) a charitable foundation

12) a three-hour car journey

13) tourist traps 

14) escape the crowds 

15) lead the way

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


 What is animal mimicry?

the close external resemblance of an animal or plant (or part of one) to another animal, plant, or inanimate object

Video: 11 examples

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Present Simple or Present Continuous

 1) What _______ (we / have) for dinner tonight?

2) We _____(stay) in Spain for two weeks this summer. We have already booked the tickets.

3) Their class _______ (begin) at nine every day. 

4) How often _______(you / go) to restaurants?

5) Take your umbrella. It ______ (rain).

6) You ______ (not like) chocolate.

7) My flatmate _______ (leave / always) his dirty dishes in the sink for me to wash up. I'm so fed up with him!

8) Usually we _______ (study) Spanish, but this week our teacher _____ (teach) us some Portuguese. These languages have quite many similar words. 

9) You ______ (not need) to start cooking before we _____ (be) back. 

10) What time _____ (the train / leave)?


Now check your answers

1) are we having

2) are staying

3) begins

4) do you go

5) is raining / 's raining

6) do not like / don't like

7) is always leaving

8) study , is teaching

9) do not need / don't need, are

10) does the train leave

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Global Issues

 1) climate change (e.g the rise of sea level or temperature)

2) deforestation

3) diseases

4) drought

5) earthquakes

6) famine

7) malnutrition

8) floods

9) pollution

10) poverty

11) unemployment

12) urbanization

13) volcanic eruptions

14) biodiversity loss

15) overpopulation

16) water scarcity

17) energy shortages / crises

18) inequality (economic / gender etc.)

19) economic recession

20) globalization

21) terrorism

22) freedom of speech

23) human migration

24) pandemic

25) refugee crises

26) human rights violations

27) insufficient healthcare access

28) control of media / censorship

29) pollution (water / air etc.)

30) racial discrimination

31) child labor

32) mass surveillance

33) armed conflicts

34) political instability

35) high rate of illiteracy

36) homelessness

37) human trafficking

What were people protesting agains in 2024? Find out

One of the latest protests: Papua New Guinea

Task 2: Check your spelling

1) deforestation

2) drought

3) famine

4) unemployment

5) urbanization

6) biodiversity loss  

7) inequality

8) high rate of illiteracy

9) human trafficking

10) surveillance

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Unit 1A: Ideal Beauty

 Task 1: Find the phrases in English from the text

1) kaalus juurde võtma

2) sümboliseerib meestes jõukust

3) ülekuhjatud (millegagi)

4) erinevaid arvamusi/vaateid paljastama

5) varaseim taasesitus / kujutamine

6) kahvatu / heleda nahaga

7) jõukuse tundemärk / tõestus jõukusest

8) lai varieerumine (lai valikute hulk)

9) keha muutmine

10) näitama inimese kohta ühiskonnas

11) elegantne

12) laialdaselt levinud olema (kusagil)

13) väga erinevatel põhjustel

Tasks 2: check your answers

1) put on weight

2) symbolizes prosperity in men

3) be bombarded with sth

4) reveal different views of

5) the earliest representation

6) pale-skinned

7) a sign of wealth

8) a huge variation

9) body modification

10) reflect the person's position in society

11) elegant

12) be commonplace in

13) for a wide variety of reasons

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Art (The art of beauty)

 The Venus of Hogle Fels

Peter Paul Rubens

Elizabethan England



Thursday, May 11, 2023

Application Letter

 You saw a job advert on a website CV Online that you are willing to apply for. Decide which job you are applying for. 

Send your application letter to The Recruitment Manager, Harleys Inc., The Empire State Building, 20 West 34th Street, New York City 10 001, The USA. You do not know whether the manager is a man or a woman and you don't know the name.  

Open a Word / Office Word document. 

In your letter: Write the sender's address, e-mail and phone number, receiver's address, date, subject line. 

Write 5 paragraphs: 

* what the job is and how you found out about it; 

* why you are interested in the job; 

* why you are the right person for the job; 

* what you are sending with the letter and when you can start work; 

* what you would like to happen next. 

Send or share your application letter  (a file attached as a Word-doc) to your teacher. Her e-mail address is written on the blackboard. 



Contact information

Personal information
Date and place of birth:

Employment history / Experiences:
When and what (list all summer jobs, voluntary work, involvement in projects, paid and non-paid jobs etc)

Formal and informal education (hobby schools, youth organizations, after-school activities etc)

Computer skills
List of programs and competence level etc

List of languages and competence (writing, speaking, understanding)

Any rewards received (when and what for)

Any articles written in published media or online relevant as a proof of your experience


Other information
About your personality and character. What are your strenghts?

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


1. CLICK HERE> Game   (Choose the correct prefix to form a word)

2. CLICK HERE> Prefixes

3. CLICK HERE> A fishing game

4. CLICK HERE: Prefixes - type

5. CLICK HERE> Word formation

6. CLICK HERE:  Prefixes

7. CLICK HERE: un-, mis-, dis- (en-)

8. Take a test: Quizizz    PS! The link is active till 10pm on Friday!

Thursday, April 13, 2023


The next tasks can be done in pairwork - you need just one laptop. 

Task 1: Baamboozle 1 (Choose Play => Baamboozle Play for free => 2 Teams)

Task 2: Baamboozle 2

Extra: click here (B2 level)

Task 3: 0-type conditional sentences - always happens or happens with great certainty

Task 4: First conditional 

Task 5: Zero or First Conditionals

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


 1) a person employed to work in the agriculture (e.g keeping animals, growing crops etc.)

2) a person who is qualified to treat diseases and other conditions that affect the teeth and gums, especially the repair and extraction of teeth and the insertion of artificial ones.

3) a person trained to give emergency medical care to people who are injured or ill, typically in a setting outside a hospital.

4) a member of the legal profession qualified to deal with conveyancing, the drawing up of wills, and other legal matters. They may also instruct barristers and represent clients in some courts.

5) a person who greets and deals with clients and visitors to a surgery, office, resaurant, hotel etc.

6) a person who is qualified to design buildings and to plan and supervise their construction.

7)  a person who cuts and styles hair as an occupation

8) a person who serves customers in a shop

9) a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures / a person who controls an engine, especially on an aircraft or ship

10) a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Essay: Global Warming

 1. Introduction paragraph: What is global warming? How does it effect people? How does it effect animals and plants? How has the climate changed? 

2. What countries / governments can  do? How can we reduce carbon emissions? Which means of transport rely on fossil fuels and which don't? How can a country invest in renewable energy? 

3. What can people as individuals do? How can you make environmentally-friendly choices every day? How can you reduce your carbon footprint? Do you take global warming seriously? 

* Add facts, but also your opinion

* Form different paragraphs

* Write at least 120 words (min 15 sentences, 5 sentences in each paragraphs)

* Use syonyms

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

4E: Phrasal verbs and vocabulary

 Group 1

1) average surface temperature

2) fossil fuels

3) greenhouse gases

4) cause global warming

5) add oxygen

6) animal species

7) climate change

8) polar ice

9) develop alternatives

10) renewable energy

11) nuclear energy

Group 2

1) to use everything

2) to continue

3) to delay

4) to think, get  an idea or find sth

5) to take care of sth / sb

6) to stop using or doing sth

7) to finish, shut, cease an activity

8) to stop sleeping, awaken

9) to saw, chop

10) to exhaust, waste, dry up

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Weather Report

 1) Open a presentation (

2) Create a title page (town, your name, month, school)

3) 1st slide: general information about the country, location of the town

4) 2nd slide: annual average (temperature, precipitation, humidity etc.)

5) 3rd slide: today's weather (temperature, wind, cloudiness, humidity, UV factor etc.). Be ready to compare it with the monthly average. 

6) 4th slide: warnings 

Making a presentation / speaking

1) Maintain eye contact, find the best place where to stand so that you can use the computer but also see your audience well.

2) Start with a greeting. 

3) Tell what you are going to talk about. 

4) Speak more than your slides have information. Explain. 

5) Pay attention to the volume of your voice - even the furthest person has to hear you! 

6) Pay attention how to emphasise important numbers, words or names. It's natural to make pauses while you speak - it gives time for the audience to follow you. 

7) Finish your presentation by thanking the audience. You should be ready to answer the questions or repeat some of the information. 

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Do video games do harm?

 Taken from a youth magazine "Club".

Yes, they do
1) Many video games make you "get even". It inspires unstable teenagers to get even in real life, too.
2) Seeing so many deaths, virtually killing others, listening to the noise make kids become immune to the horror and reality of death. It makes them fearless in a bad way.
3) The fontal lobe of the brain is responsible for controlling a person's behaviour. It does not grow fully until a person is about 25 years old.
4) Although video games have ratings, teenagers play such games meant for mature/adult people.
5) Video games are escapism - teenagers escape dealing with everyday duties or problems and their ability to deal with them worsens. When a real serious problem occurs, they might react in an exaggerated brutal way.
6) Video games desensitize youngsters, make them less emotional and numb. 
7) Your brain stores all violence as trauma and a young person may not know how to deal with the stress caused by it.
8) Video games are very attractive and young people get easily hooked. 

No, they do not
1) Video games aren't bad if they are controlled by parents. (parents control how much time and what games  a child can play)
2) Although there have been many studies about the impact, they give different results. 
3) Video games are fantasy for kids and fantasy has always been part of childhood.
4) It is claimed that only abnormal amount of hours spent playing violent video games starts to effect our brain and its development.

3F: Why video games are good for your health?

 1) Many people ________ (oletama) that video games have a _______ (negatiivne) effect on young people. 

2) Newspaper headlines often express the same opinion - _______ (võitlusmängud) cause the most concern because of ________ (vägivald).

3) ________ (vastavalt) to a report in American Psychologist playing video games  is sometimes good for children's education, health and _______ (sotsiaalsed) skills. 

4) Research shows that video games, especially_______ (võitlusmängud) can actually _______ (parandama) mental ______ (oskusi). 

5) Other type of video games do not usually have these  _______ (kasu, eelised).

6) The research showed that children who play ________ (rollimänge) get _____ (paremaid hindeid) at school. 

7) Quick and simple games teache children how to ______ (reageerima) well to the ______ (ebaõnnestumine). 

8) In online games players learn useful _______ (sotsiaalsed oskused) - how to lead a ______ (rühm), how to work ______ (koos) and how to ______ (teha) decisions. 

9) Overall the report says that some video games can have ______ (halb mõju), but it's important to think about ________ (kasu, tulu) too. 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Negative prefixes


unsafe, unfair, unpopular, unkind, untidy, unhappy, unbelievable, unacceptable, unsurprising, unpleasant, unfortunate, unexpected, unfamiliar, unknown, unattractive, unorganised


impatient, impolite, impossible, improbable


incorrect, inexpensive, invisible, independant, informal, inconvenient, insane


irresponsible, irregular, irrelevant


illegal, illegible, illogical


dissatisfied, dishonest, disagree, dislike


misunderstand. misbehave

Task 1: Which prefix?

 1) ___ safe            2)___fair              3)___expensive         

4) ___ patient       5)   ___legal           6)  ____visible           

7) ___believable    8) ___correct         9) ___relevant         

10) ___acceptable   11)  ___attractive   12) ___kind         

13) ___convenient   14) ___regular      15)  __popular

16) __pleasant       17)  __formal          18)  ___surprising     

19)   ___fortunate    20)   ___dependant    


Task 1: add negative prefixes

1 )  ___logical       2) ____legible       3) ___tidy            

4)  ____possible     5)   ___familiar     6)  ___known

7)    ___polite          8)   ____sane         9) ____organised    

10) ____responsible  11) ___expected    12) ____ flexible

13) _____ efficient    14) ____moral         15) _____ direct      

16) ____ common

Task 2: Form a logical sentence with the following adjectives: 

impatient, irrelevant, informal, irregular, unthinkable