Thursday, November 21, 2024

A False Start

 1. Who is in the photo?

2. What is this thing used for? Which company invented it? (clue: it can be used in the kitchen and it's a company known for electronic devices)

 3. Who is in the photo? 

4. What is the name of this artist?

5. What's his name?

6. This achieved something very remarkable. What did he do?

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Honours System

Task 1: Let's discuss

 1) Do you think we should select the best teacher, give titles to the best mother or father, vote for the best athletes etc? Does being popular and well-known mean the person is the best? 

2) Do you know the honours system used in Estonia? Who selects the nominees? Where do the ceremonies take place?

3) What do you know about the Nobel Prize?

4) Which awards do you  know that are given for films or best songs? 

5) Why some people don't accept the awards or titles they are given?

Task 2: Watch. British honours system: VIDEO

Task 3: Study the words

Duke / Duchess (hertsog / hertsoginna)

Marquess / Marchioness (markii / markiis)

Earl / Countess (krahv / krahvinna)

Viscount / Viscountess (vikont / vikontess)

Baron / Baroness (parun / paruness)

The Houses of Parliament / British Parliament: The House of Commons (650 members) and The House of Lords / (Peers) (790 members)

British honours: honours (6 different orders of chivalry, 4 orders of merit), decorations (to recognize special deeds, usually given to military forces) and medals (given for special service, long service or conduct)

Knight / Lady 



Sir / Dame

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Past Perfect




1) offered, 

had booked

2) arrived, 

had died

3) took, 

had cut

4) had been, split

5) thought, 

had forgotten, 



6) had, 

had damaged

7) saw, 

had arranged

8) got, 

had just begun

9) could talk, 

hadn't seen, 


10) turned, 

had already had

11) decided, 

hadn't been 

12) hadn't prepared, 


13) said, 

had made, 


14) went, 

had finished

15) visited, 

had lived, 

hadn't been, 

had changed, 

didn't recognize, 


Thursday, October 17, 2024

Sport Places

 field: baseball, American football

track: athletics, horse racing, running, cycling

court: basketeball, tennis, badminton, volleyball

rink: ice hockey, figure skating

ring: boxing

wall: climbing


pool: swimming, diving

course: golf, racing, sailing


circuit: motor racing

pitch: football, rugby, cricket

diamond: baseball

slope: skiing

table: tennis, pool, snooker

piste: fencing, downhill skiing

mat: wrestling, judo, 


oche: darts

cage: martial arts


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Success Stories

Task 1: Translate the phrases (SB p 94-95)

 1) kõrgete saavutustega (inimesed)

2) kodusõda

3) iseseisvuse eest võitlema

4) äärmiselt vägivaldne

5) kõndima (teatud) distantsi

6) kampaaniat tegema (millegi osas)

7) hooldekodu / sotsiaalhoolekande asutus

8) vigastus

9) enesekindlus

10) kiitma (millegi eest)

11) kirjaoskamatu

12) poksiring

13) ähvardama

14) teiseks jääma

15) kedagi millegi eest õnnitlema

16) esindama

Task 2: Translate and learn for the summary

1) Paljude inimeste jaoks edukaks olemine tähendab olla rikas, aga mõnede kõrgete saavutustega inimeste jaoks on palju olulisemaid asju kui raha. 

2) Emmanuel Jal lahkus oma kodust 8-aastaselt kuna Sudaanis oli kodusõda.

3) Tema ainsaks valikuks oli armeega ühineda, mis võitles iseseisvuse eest Lõuna-Sudaanis.

4) Lapssõduri elu oli äärmiselt vägivaldne ja 11-aastaselt jooksis ta ära. 

5) Ta kõndis 1500 kilomeetrise vahemaa ja tal õnnestus jõuda Keeniasse.

6) Ta hakkas kirjutama ja esitama räpilugusid ja praegu kasutab oma laule, et teha kampaaniat maailma rahu heaks. 


7) Paul kasvas üles briti sotsiaalhoolekandeasutuses, sest ta vanemad olid ta hüljanud.

8) Ta unistas professionaalseks sportlaseks saamisest, aga 20.ndate alguses rikkus vigastus tema unistuse. 

9) 25-aastaselt läks ta tagasi kooli ning see andis talle rohkem enesekindlust, et saada jõusaalitreeneriks. 

10) Hiljem kirjutas ta elulooraamatu ja inimesed kiitsid seda aususe eest.

11) Sellest sai müügihitt, mis pole paha kirjaniku kohta, kes oli kirjaoskamatu enda 20.ndates. 


12) Sadaf on poksija Afganistaanis, aga ta ei saa treenida poksiringis. 

13) Paljud afgaanid usuvad, et naised ei peaks tegema sporti ja nad on ähvardanud Sadafi rünnata. 

14) Vaatamata sellele jäi ta teiseks Tadžikistani poksivõistlustel.

15) Äkki olid inimesed teda õnnitlemas tema saavutuste üle ja ähvardused lõppesid. 

16) Ta valmistub olümpiamängudeks ja esindab kõiki afgaani naisi. 

Task 3: Videos

Emmanuel Jal

Paul Connolly

Sadaf Rahimi

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

English language


Michael Mcintyre

Check your words

1) ending with -ter (meter)

2) ending with -log (catalog)

3) -or (color)

4) -ce (practice, both nouns and verbs)

5) -ze (realize)

6) favorite

7) gray

8) jewlery

9) mustache

10) pajamas

11) tire

12) apartment

13) appetizers

14) bar

15) bathroom, restroom

16) bill

17) cafeteria

18) candies

19) cell phone

20) cookie

21) elevator

22) eraser

23) fall

24) first floor

25) soccer

26) fries

27) trash

28) gas station

29) line

30) lumber

31) (shopping) mall

32) movie

33) movie theatre

34) outlet

35) potato chips

36) rent

37) round trip

38) shrimps

39) sidewalk

40) sneakers

41) soda

42) store

43) streetcar

44) subway

45) truck

46) vacation

47) vacuum

48) yard

49) zip code

50) bathtub

51) broil

52) bureau, dresser (for clothes)

53) cab driver

54) closet

55) check

56) downtown

57) drapes

58) drugstore

59) duplex

60) eggplant

61) faucet

62) flashlight

63) highway

64) front desk

65) grade

66) intersection

67) janitor

68) jello

69) lost and found

70) mailman

71) news stand

72) (doctor's) office

73) one-way ticket

74) pants

75) pantyhose, nylons

76) parking lot

77) vest

78) horseback riding

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Electronic / Digital Devices, Gadgets

the list of digital devices

(virtual reality / VR) headset
USB (stick) / flash drive
external drive
smart speaker
3D glasses
wearable fitness tracker
home assistant hub











Thursday, September 12, 2024








My Business Plan


1) What are you good at? What do you like? Do you have any work experiences? Have you been a volounteer? 

2) What would you like to change, make better? What are you not happy with? What issues in a particular location need good solutions?

3) Do you like working alone or in a team? 

4) Do you prefer talking to people face to face or on the phone / internet / texting?

5) Who would you like your target group to be: peers, adults, children, pet owners, athletes, etc.?

6) What's your business idea? Describe your product or service. 

7) Describe your target group: age, location, gender etc.

8) What's the market or competition like? Are there any other companies providing similar products, services? Are there any foreign companies? 

9) Who are the principal members of your company? How much are you and they willing to contribute? (How many hours per day or week, at the weekends or on holidays?)

10) What are your advantages over your competitors?

11) Are there any legal regulations your need to follow?

12) Every business needs some kind of funding. Where would you get the required sum for a start up?

Write sentences

1 paragraph: about you, your interests, strengths, weaknesses, describe your communication and social skills

2. paragraphs: description of the product / service

3. customers / advertising

4. competitors, what are your advantages


1) Advantages / Strenghts / Reasons this business plan is good / might be successful

2) Disadvantages / Weaknesses / Reasons it might not be successful

3) Dragon Den's decision: going to invest / not going to invest

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Unit 7A: phrases

Task 1: Translate / Find from SB p 82-83

1) eksperdid hindavad 

2) püsiv elukoht 

3) põllumajandust leiutama

4) kahekordistuma 

5) suurenema 7 korda 

6) avastama täiesti erinevat kultuuri

7) vähenema 

8) praegu (do not write right now or today)

9) poole võrra vähenema

10) kultuurilised erinevused

11) imeline mitmekesisus 

Task 2: check your phrases

 1) experts estimate

2) permanent home

3) invent agriculture

4) to double

5) multiply seven times

6) to discover a completely different culture

7) to decrease

8) at present

9) to halve

10) cultural differences

11) fascinating diversity

Task 3: Translate

1) Eksperdid hindavad, et meid on 10 miljardit selle sajandi lõpuks. 

2) Rohkem kui 2 miljonit aastat inimesed elasid püsiva elukohata leides taimi söömiseks ja küttides loomi liha jaoks. 

3) 10,000 aastat tagasi inimesed leiutasid põllumajanduse. 

4) Sel ajal elas ainult 5 miljonit inimest, aga see arv kiiresti kahekordistus. 

5) Elanikkond jõudis miljardini 1805 ja sellest ajast on see suurenenud 7 korda. 

6) Sada aastat tagasi kui sa läksid teise riiki, siis sa avastasid täiesti teistsuguse kultuuri. 

7) Tänapäeval on kasutusel umbes 7,000 keelt, aga see arv on vähenemas. 

8) Näiteks Indonesias räägitakse üle 700 keele, aga Baras keelt oskavad tänapäeval ainult vanad inimesed. 

9) Ekperdid arvavad, et keelte arv väheneb poole võrra selle sajandi lõpuks.

10) Me mõtleme, et kas tulevikus inimesed räägivad ainult ühte keelt ja enam pole kultuurilisi erinevusi, mis meid eristaks. 

11) Loodetavasti, kui meie rahvaarv on kasvamas, me ikka saame tähistada mitte ainult sarnasusi, aga ka inimrassi imelist mitmekesisust. 

Task 4: Can you guess which countries in the world have the largest population? 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Linking words: Addition and Contrast


additionally, also, moreover, furthermore, again, further, besides, too, similarly, correspondingly, indeed, regarding, in addition, what is more / what's more, to add to this, first, second, last, finally, equally important, not only....but also..., apart from this, therefore, consequenty, eventually, thereby, hence


by contrast, although, (even) though, compared with, conversely, however, nevertheless, but, while, on the other hand, on the contrary, even so, alternatively, at the same time, otherwise, instead (of), nonetheless, notwithstanding, in spite of, unlike, whereas, yet, under no circumstances


Task 1

Task 2 

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Quiz: Passive Voice

 1) 12 Oct 1492

2) 1992

3) 15th century

4) In the USA (Atlanta, Georgia, May 1886)

5) Mount Everest (8,849m), (Mount Kea 10,205m)

6) Russia (Russian ruble), Belarus (Belarusian ruble)

7) the Ukraine

8) Thailand

9) Seven

10) 31 October

11) 17 March

12) fourth Thursday in November (the USA), second Monday in October (Canada)

13) 1889

14) No, although....

15) since 1788, so 18th century

16) India (25%)

17) The Louvre, Paris (This portrait is believed to be of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Florentine fabric merchant Francesco del Giocondo or from the 19th century known as Mona Lisa)

18) 50 stars, 13 stripes (7 red and 6 white)

19) air and sugar

20)  Caspian Sea (371,000 km²); 2. Lake Superior (82,100 km2); Lake Victoria  (59,940 km2) 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Writing and performinga TV advert

 1) Which product?

2) What describes this product? Why is it good or useful? 

3) Who is the product for? Age?

4) Which language is the best to use in your commercial. Are the characters: agreeing / disagreeing;  giving directions, narrating a story, complaining / giving a solution; persuading ?

5) Think of a slogan. 

6) Write a script. Which roles? Do you have a storyteller? Who says which lines? Any music or audio? Where can it be filmed?

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Different houses

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


 Task 1:

What makes a good commercial?

Task 2: 
Watch the video and guess some of the products


Task 3: Slogans. Do you know these brands?

  1. 1. Impossible is nothing
  2. 2. Think different
  1. 3. The ultimate driving machine / Sheer driving pleasure
  2. 4.  Nothing runs like a deer(e)
  1. 5. Finger lickin’ good
  1. 6.  Because you’re worth it / Because I'm Worth IT
  2. 7. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands
  3. 8. I’m lovin’ it
  1. 9. Just do it
  2. 10. Taste the rainbow
  3. 11. It's the real thing.  / Open happiness.
  4. 12. Connecting people. 
  5. 13. The best a man can get / The best a man can be
  6. 14. Quality never goes out of style
  7. 15. Everywhere you want to be

  1. Task 4: Groupwork 

1) Think of a product. (sth that you can bring to school next lesson)
2) Decribe its best qualities.
3) Who is the potential customer? Why would they need that product?
4) Which ad technique is the best one to use?
5) What qualities should the advert have?
6) Make up a slogan.
7) Write a short script for your commercial.
*Where is it shot?
*Who takes part in which roles?
*What is happening?

6) Devide your tasks and roles for next lesson

7) Act it out and record your video.

* a good commercial gives information, draws attention, creates emotions and is easy to remember
* all the students have to speak (whether in front or behind the camera)

Check task 3: 
1. Adidas (since 1974, a quote by Muhammad Ali); 
2. Apple (early 1990s); 
3. BMW; 
4. John Deere (early 19970s to advertise snowmobiles); 
5. KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken, since 19950s); 
6. L'Oreal; 
7. M&Ms (in 1954); 
8. McDonald's (since 2003); 
9. Nike (in 1988, inspired by the last words of Gary Gilmore, a convicted murderer who was executed in 1977); 
10. Skittles (1947); 
11. Coca-Cola ( 1969 / 2009); 
12. Nokia; 
13. Gillette (1980s / 2019); 
14. Levi's Jeans; 
15. VISA

6A Phrases

 1) imelised omadused

2) mitte midagi ebatavalist

3) täpselt samasugune vestlus

4) (finants)pettus

5) olema eripakkumisel / erihinnaga

6) reklaamid reklaamitahvlitel (välireklaam)

7) hiljutine uuring / küsitlus

8) tavapärased reklaamikampaaniad

9) odav ja tõhus

10) uut toodet välja laskma / esitlema

11) hoolikalt valitud

12) veenma enda eakaaslasi

13) viimane värvatu / töölevõetud inimene

14) salajane turundusagentuur

15) reklaamima / propageerima kaubamärke

16) luksuskaubad

17) (näitamiseks ) välja panema enda kaubahunnikut

18) saama tasuta tootenäidiseid

19) siseinfo

20) jaemüügi psühholoog

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Modal verbs


The first 2 tasks are for pairwork - use one computer. 

Task 1: Let's play Jeopardy. Use one computer: Jeopardy Game

Task 2: Jeopardy Game 2 (more difficult)

Now continue with individual practice

Task 3: Modal verbs must, may, might, can, could

Task 4: Modal verbs Obligation

Task 5:  Fill in the blanks

Task 6: Modal verbs + tenses

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Three-part Phrasal Verbs


own, fall, come, live, put (2x), get (2x), 

a) to think that a problem or situation is caused by a particular thing

b) admit to having done something wrong or embarrassing.

c) produce something, especially when pressured or challenged

d) deal successfully with a problem

e) to escape blame or punishment when you do something wrong, or to avoid harm or criticism for something you did

f) to do as well as or be as good as other people expect you to

g) have an argument

h) tolerate or endure something

Sunday, March 10, 2024


Task 1: Which type?

Task 2: Match the parts of the sentences

Task 3: Multiple choice

Task 4: Game

Task 5: Multiple choice 2

Task 6:  Mixed conditionals 

Task 7: Mixed conditionals 2

Task 8:  Test


 1) I take full responsibility (for) ...

2) I admit it's my fault ...

3) I beg your forgiveness

4) Please don't hold/bear a grudge (against me). 

5) My bad / It was my bad. 

6) My mistake!

7) Mea culpa!

8) Can I make it up to you?

9) I didn't mean to ...

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Types of crime and offences










Now check your answers
1) smuggling, 2) mugging, 3) fraud, 4) shoplifting, 5) vandalism, 6) drug-dealing, 7) terrorism, 
8) arson, 9) hacking, 10) looting

Extra vocabulary

11) burglary
12) hijacking
13) blackmailing
14) (bank) robbery
15) forgery
16) theft
17) kidnapping / abduction
18) public drunkedness