Thursday, November 23, 2023


 1. as fit as a fiddle

2. alive and kicking

3. be under the knife / go under the knife

4. be under the weather

5. be back on your feet

6. a bitter pill to swallow

7.  a clean bill of health / give sb a clean bill of health / get a clean bill of health

8. to have/get/give a new lease on life

9. to have frog in sb's throat

10. to turn one's stomach

11. like a dog with two tails

12. live in a fool's paradise

13. life is just a bowl of cherries

14. music to sb's ears

15. whatever floats your boat

a)  to have surgery or an operation.

b) refers to being unwell, typically with a cold or other minor sickness

c) you’ve successfully recovered from injury or sickness and are feeling better again!

d)  it refers to a change in mental attitude or outlookWhile not always, the idiom is commonly used to describe a situation in which an event or person has caused a change in somebody else for the better.

e) a difficult or uncomfortable realization that someone comes to. It could be accepting a difficult situation or admitting that you’re wrong

f) to be in excellent physical shape or to be very healthy.

g) unable to speak in a clear way. The reason that this idiom is included in this list is that it’s very common to use it when you’re unwell.

h) something that’s (still) functioning in a good way. This can be a person, an object or even an idea!

i) when a medical professional acknowledges that you’re healthy and free from health-related issues

j) If someone is  ..... , they are extremely happy.

k) If something is ... the information that you receive makes you feel very happy.

l) it gives you an immediate feeling of nausea or sickness. This idiom is commonly (although not always) used to refer to food.

m) If someone is .... , they are in a state of contentment that will not last because their happiness is based on illusion or false hope.

n) This expression means that life is pleasant, uncomplicated and full of enjoyment.

o) Although you don't quite agree with someone, it's their choice and you think they should do whatever makes them happy.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Is Chocolate the Answer?

 1) Hiljutine maailma õnne uuring ütleb, et rikkus ei ole peamine põhjus õnneks. 

2) Kui sa kannatab tõsise raskuse all, siis on ebatõenäoline, et sa oled õnnelik, aga kui su põhivajadused on rahuldatud, siis materiaalsed asjad muutuvad vähem vajalikuks. 

3) Õnn seisneb rohkem nende asjade äratundmises ja väärtustamises, mis sul olemas on. 

4) Materiaalsete esemete nautimine ei kesta kaua. 

5) Kuu hiljem su jõulukingid vedelevad hüljatuna sahtli põhjas. 

6) Pikaajaline õnn tuleb mitte käegakatsutavatest asjadest. 

7) Üks oluline tegur on sotsiaalsed suhted. 

8) Ennast kaitstud ja austatud tunda on väga oluline. 

9) Tehes head ja olles lahke igapäevaselt paneb sind tundma väga õnnelikuna. 

10) Pole üllatav, et tervis on teine oluline õnne tekitaja. 

11) Terve olemine ja terveks jäämine nõuab teatavat pingutust. 

12) Iga päev trenni tegemine aitab vähendada stressi ja ärevust. 

13) Trenn paneb sind tundma optimistlikumana, sest see eraldab endorfiine. 

14) Paljud teismelised kannatavad vähese magamise all. 

15) Väsimus mõjutab sinu keskendumisvõimet ja võib aeglustada su arengut. 

16) Nüüd, mil sa tead teooriat on aeg panna see kõik käiku. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Travellers' Tales

With the help of the Internet, please prepare writing your travellers' tale. Gather as much  information as possible. All names and geographical information has to be true, but the story itself can be a fantasy.  

 1) Decide who you are together with on your road trip. Take notes of your car. 

2) Choose an interesting country

3) Find 2 different places (towns) in that country. It's better if they are quite far apart because your journey needs to be longer than 2 days. 

4) With the help of Google Maps, find out how to drive from A to B. Write down: how many kilometres, how many hours the journey is, which other major towns or important areas the road goes through. 

5) Find interesting sights along the route. All names have to be accurate! Take notes. 

6) Decide where you are staying for each night. If it is a hotel / motel, then take notes about it. If you decide to sleep in the car or on a campsite, also find out where. 

7) Where do you get food, where do you eat? 

8) All the information should inspire you to make up events and actions. Take notes. What happened on that road trip? It's advisable to create a  timeline in your notebook. 

WRITING (You can use your notebook, but not your textbook or the Internet)

1. Your story has: 

* accurate information about the route, sights and places

* description of your car

* description of your accommodation

* description of your food / places you had food

2. Your story is written in narrative / past tenses. 

3. In your story you have used phrases for ordering the events (By the time, suddently, at first etc.)

4. There are some quotes in your story. 


Correction of mistakes

1) Names: The Crown Hotel, The Old Bell Restaurant (without quote marks, all nouns in capital letters, article "the"!)

2) Geographical names: Lake Windemere, The River Severn

3) it's or its? (it's = it is / it has; its = belongs to it)

4) so = as a result, therefore, consequently, hence, resulting in .... (There has to be a comma before "so".)

5) Is "and" needed? We drove to the town and on our way we picked up a hitchhiker. => We drove to the town picking up a hitchhiker. 

6) Try to avoid using unnecessary words. We wanted to go to do some shopping. => We wanted to do some shopping. 

7) Don't misuse commas! First we started driving towards the capital, it was a 3-hour-long journey. => First we started driving towards the capital which was a 3-hour-long journey. / First we took a 3-hour-long journey towards the capital. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Route 66