Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Planning a holiday

 1) Describe your best holiday so far.

2) What type of a traveller are you?

3) What is your favourite means of transport? What type of journey is your favourite?

4) What types of holidays do you like / would you like?

5) Do you prefer travelling alone, with family or with friends?

6) Do you prefer active holidays or leisurely ones?

7) What are your interests?

8) How far can your holiday destination be from Estonia? 

9) How long would you like to stay on holiday?

9) What is your budget? 


Creating a poster / advert

Imagine your are a travel agent whose job is to put holiday packages together and advertise them. If you were absent on Wednesday 19th October, then answer the questions above and create a an ideal package  for yourself, otherwise for your deskmate. 

1 Describe a "typical" traveller your holiday package is for.

2) Write a suitable and catchy slogan.

3) Add description of the area, sights, activities, accommodation etc.

4) General info: time, cost, transport, group size etc.

5) Add attractive photo(s)

6) Contact info: company's name, phone number, website, e-mail

Share your documents with your teacher (first name.last name@rkk.edu.ee)

Thursday, October 5, 2023

A Responsible Traveller

When we travel we take our holiday in somebody else’s home. Our holidays can impact their environments, cultures, economies and ways of life. Treating local people and places with respect is the right thing to do, and opens up possibilities for more authentic travel.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

U2: A Road Less Travelled

 Sustainable / responsible tourism 

1) märkimisväärselt

2) vaheaastat võtma, aastast akadeemilist puhkust võtma

3) maakool

4) kogukonna arendamine

5) meeldima, köitma (kellegile, kedagi)

6) minema / reisima asulatest kaugemale

7) suunduma

8) eluiga

9) pakkuma tööhõivet

10) kedagi vaesusest välja tooma / aitama

11) heategevuslik fond

12) kolmetunnine autoreis

13) turistilõksud

14) rahvamassidest eemale saama

15) eeskuju näitama


1) remarkably

2) take a gap year

3) a rural school

4) community development

5) appeal to sb

6) get off the beaten track

7) head for

8) life expectancy

9) provide employment

10) lift sb out of poverty 

11) a charitable foundation

12) a three-hour car journey

13) tourist traps 

14) escape the crowds 

15) lead the way