Thursday, May 11, 2023

Application Letter

 You saw a job advert on a website CV Online that you are willing to apply for. Decide which job you are applying for. 

Send your application letter to The Recruitment Manager, Harleys Inc., The Empire State Building, 20 West 34th Street, New York City 10 001, The USA. You do not know whether the manager is a man or a woman and you don't know the name.  

Open a Word / Office Word document. 

In your letter: Write the sender's address, e-mail and phone number, receiver's address, date, subject line. 

Write 5 paragraphs: 

* what the job is and how you found out about it; 

* why you are interested in the job; 

* why you are the right person for the job; 

* what you are sending with the letter and when you can start work; 

* what you would like to happen next. 

Send or share your application letter  (a file attached as a Word-doc) to your teacher. Her e-mail address is written on the blackboard. 



Contact information

Personal information
Date and place of birth:

Employment history / Experiences:
When and what (list all summer jobs, voluntary work, involvement in projects, paid and non-paid jobs etc)

Formal and informal education (hobby schools, youth organizations, after-school activities etc)

Computer skills
List of programs and competence level etc

List of languages and competence (writing, speaking, understanding)

Any rewards received (when and what for)

Any articles written in published media or online relevant as a proof of your experience


Other information
About your personality and character. What are your strenghts?