Wednesday, April 14, 2021

I'm an architect

 1. Plan your design and drawing. Think or write  key words into your notebook:

# Who is it for?

# Where is the building - location and landscape? What's next to the building?

# How big is it, how many storeys?

# Think about environmentally-friendly materials. What is it made of? What colour is it?

# Think about renewable energy resources. Are you planning to use any? How? (Think about heating, water, sewage, lights etc.). If not, what energy will be used to run the building?

# How many doors, windows? Are there any balconies, chimneys, porches, patios etc.?

2. Find a good paper for drawing a design. If you are skilled at computer, you can use a PC programme. You do not have to write any words on your design. 

3. Prepare making a presentation

1. Make an introduction before showing your design: greeting, what type of building, its location. Your webcam should be on. 

2. Show your design by sharing the screen. Describe your building in details: material, features, heating etc. 

3. Stop sharing your screen and turn the webcam on. Finish your presentation. Be ready to answer 2 questions from the viewers. 

4. Points: 0-24 points

max 5 for design. (details)

max 5 for information / content

max 5 for speaking

max 3 for deadline

max 3 for asking questions

max 3 for using a webcam, eye contact is important today too

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Make, Take, Do - practice

 Task 1: Make or do

Task 2: make or do QUIZ

Task 3: make, take, have or do

Task 4: make, take, do

Task 5: make or do

Task 6: let, make, have

Task 7: do, make, get, take

Make, take or do


1) Kas ma saan vastuvõtuaega broneerida?
2) Ma sooviksid kaebust esitada.
3) Me saame öömaja pakkuda kümnele külalisele.
4) Sa võtad mu sõprust iseenesestmõistetavana.
5) Vaata! Lennuk on õhku tõusmas.
6) Otsustame ära!
7) Vähese rahaga on raske hakkama saada.
8) Mulle meeldib loodusest pilte teha.
9) Ma pidin eile valuvaigisteid võtma.
10) Pinguta rohkem!
11) Meeldiv teiega äri/koostööd teha.
12) Ma olin jahmunud.
13) Ta tegi väga hea pakkumise.
14)Äri hakkas kiiresti õitsema.
15) Sa tõesti muutsid mu päeva heaks!
16) Lepime kokku, et kohtume kell 12.
17) Sa pidasid huvitava kõne.
18)  Pärast mitut tundi töötamist hakkasime edusamme tegema.
19) Kas sa jood kohvi suhkruga?
20) Sa teed toidust liiga suure probleemi.
21) Ma ei saa erandit teha.
22) Mulle üsna meeldib majapidamistöid teha.
23) Kas sa saad mulle ühe teene osutada?
24) Kuus miinus 4 on 2.
25) Ma lihtsalt täidan oma kohust.
26) Ära ela end minu peal välja.
27) Ma pean juuksed korda tegema / soengusse seadma.
28) Me saime halvasti testiga hakkama.
29) Kas see auto sõidab 150 km / h.
30) See voodi võtab liiga palju ruumi toas.