Thursday, March 25, 2021

Revision: Unit 4

Express your opinion, ideas and knowledge

1) Describe your ideal home

2) Describe the photo of a building as if you were a real estate agent. You can also bring out advantages that are not seen in the picture.

3) What are the pros and cons of living in a town or in the countryside? Which one do you prefer? Why?

4) How to prevent homelessness?

5) An environmentally-friendly house

6) Real estate agent - write a description of 10 sentences for this flat.

Kinnistu, puitmaja 1/3

Lisainfo: parkimine tasuta, seinakapp, uus elektrijuhtmestik, kinnine hoov, mööbli võimalus, mööbel

Köök: elektripliit, avatud köök, külmik
San.ruum: wc ja vannituba eraldi, boiler, dušš
Küte ja ventilatsioon: elektriküte
Side ja turvalisus: kaabelTV, naabrivalve, trepikoda lukus
Ümbrus: asub keskuses, teed heas seisukorras, naabrid ümberringi, ümbruses korterelamud, meri 1,5 km
Üürile anda heas korras 1-toaline korter kesklinnas. Korter on möbleeritud.

Korteri aknad hoovi poole, aias parkimiskoht ühele autole tasuta kesklinnas. Läheduses ühistranspordipeatus, kool, lasteaed, turg, kauplus, kaubanduskeskus.

Rent:  230 eur kuus 
7) Renting a flat (write a short letter to a real estate agent: describe your criteria in 10 sentences)

Sunday, March 21, 2021

A flat to rent

Imagine you are going to rent a flat. There are thousands of ads. Do the task below:


* which type of house / how many floors
* location in Estonia
* which floor
* year built / condition
* 3 important facts about its location or neighbourhood
* how many bedrooms
* size in m2
* 3 important things in the kitchen
* 3 important things elsewhere in the flat

Browse the real estate ads and find one flat that is (quite) similar to the one on your wishlist. Write down its description.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

SB ex 2/44 and revision

 1) nearest

2) worst

3) highest

4) further / farther

5) more spacious


How to forms of adjectives?

1) fast

2) slim

3) friendly

4)  comfortable

5) boring

6) good

7) bad

8) far

9) little

Now scroll down and check your forms

1) fast - faster - the fastest

2) slim - slimmer - the slimmest

3) friendly - friendlier - the friendliest

4)  comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable

5) boring - more boring - the most boring

6) good - better - the best

7) bad - worse - the worst

8) far - further/farther - the furthest/the farthest

9) little - less - the least

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

 Warm-up task

Both students answer the questions. Think about yesterday, Wednesday's lessons:

1)  What time did you start your school day? 

2) How did you prepare for your school day in the morning? 

3) How can you plan your school day in the morning by using Stuudium?  What kind of information is important there? 

4) What was your first lesson? What did you have to do there? How much time did it take you to finish all tasks? 

3) What was your fifth lesson? What did you have to do there? How much time did it take you to finish all tasks? 

4) When did you eat breakfast? What did you have for breakfast?

5) When did you have lunch? What did you have for lunch?

6) When did you finish studying yesterday?

7) How did you relax yesterday? What did you do after studying?

8) What did you do well yesterday?

9) Which tasks or lessons needed more attention? 

10) How can you plan your school day better on Friday?

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Unusual buildings

Watch the video for inspiration; 10 unusual buildings

Now design a building on your own and add information. On one side of the paper make notes, on the other side draw the building for showing to the others.

In your presentation, you should describe your building:

1) Where is it? (location, landscape, distance from other important landmarks etc)
2) Which materials are used? What colours?
3) What does the shape remind of?
4) What about its size (m2), number of rooms, height etc?
5) What are different parts of the building like? (roof, walls, doors, windows etc. ) What features does the building have? (lift, balconies etc)
6) Who/What is it for?
7) What is the name of your building?
other relevant information you want to include

Prepare your speaking:

* maintain eye contact (by looking at your notes)
* find words to stress
* don't be too fast, but fluency is important
* pay attention to pronunciation
* start and finish your presentation

Task: max 5p (whether you have provided enough information)
Speaking: max 5p
Giving feedback (written) 2+1: max 5p
Deadline: 3p

16.5-18p "5", 13-16p "4", 9-12p "3", <9p "2"