Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Today's lesson:1 April

Task 1: SB ex 5.1/135 (SPEAK, READ)

1.1 Loe läbi mustaga trükitud grammatiline reegel ja süvene sinisega trükitud näidetesse. Moodusta ise suuliselt sama sõnaga üks teine näide.

1.2 Kontrolli ennast kas tead:

* Mis vahe on sõnadel "every" ja "each"?
* Mis vahe on sõnadel "either" ja "both" Millisega kasutad tegusõna ainsuses (is) ja kummaga mitmuses (are)?
* Mis tähenduslik vahe on sõnadel "a few" ja "few"? Kas neid saab kasutada loendatava või loendamatu nimisõnaga?
* Mis tähenduslik vahe on sõnadel "a little" ja "little"? Kas neid saab kasutada loendatava või loendamatu nimisõnaga?
* Kumba sõna saab kasutada loendatava või loendamatu nimisõnaga - "much" / "many"? Kas sõnu "much" ja "many" tuleks kasutada jaatavas, eitavas lauses või küsimuses?
* Mis tähenduslik vahe on sõnadel "most" ja "some"? Kas neid saab kasutada loendatava või loendamatu nimisõnaga või mõlemaga?
* Mis juhtub sõnadega "no" ja "every", kui sa tahad kasutada of-fraasi? Millal kasutad tegusõna ainuses, millal mitmuses?
* Kas mäletad eelnevatest aastatest, et eitavas lauses ja küsimuses tuleb kasutada "any"? (I don't have any idea. Do you have any idea what to do?) Erandiks on laused, kus sa pakud kellegile midagi või tahad ise midagi saada. Siis kasuta "some". (Can I have some bread? Would you like some apples?)
* Kas mäletad, mida tähendab "neither"? He didn't remember it and neither did I. Kas mäletad kuidas kasutada kombinatsiooni "neither....nor"? (Oleg's mother nor his father speaks English.) PS! Jälgi, et ei tekiks toppelt eitust, st. tegusõna peab olema jaatav: is, speaks, worked etc.
* Kas mäletad sõnu "a lot of", "lots of"? Kas neid saab kasutada loendmatute, loendatavate nimisõnadega või mülemaga?

Kui sul on küsimusi, palun saada Stuudiumis sõnum.

Task 2: SB ex 2/135 WRITE (kirjuta nr ja õige sõna vihikusse)

Task 3: SB ex 3/136 SPEAK ( vasta küsimustele )

Task 4:  CHECK your ex 2 ja 3 (scroll down)

Task 5: Now you should be ready to take a test. Use your real first name! Take the test only once. You should take it before 3rd April.

(kasuta oma eesnime, tee testi ainult 1 kord, 20 küsimust, iga vastusevariantidest on vaid 1 õige, link ei tööta enam pärast 3. aprilli hommikut)

QUIZIZZ (telefonis tegijad joinmyquiz.com code: 1806226) See link töötab  26.maini!

PS! Your deadline for the Gadget poster is Friday, 3rd April!!

(Kujunda reklaamplakat: joonista tehvikvidin, lisa infot mis see on, milleks, kuidas ja kus kasutada, hind jms. Paberile tehtud tööst saada palun foto, kes eelistab arvutis teha, siis leia sobiv programm ja saada link/embed kood. Selle töö tegemiseks oli sul aega nädal.)


Monday, March 30, 2020

Today's lesson 31 March (Quantifier)

Task 1: Multiple choice

Task 2: Gap filling

Task 3: Another gap-fill exercise (multiple choice)

Task 4: Correct or incorrect?

Task 5: Look at our Padlet-board and write a summary for ONE of the questions. Don't forget to add your first name. Use quantifiers!

(Vali kellegi küsimus, süvenene vastustesse ja kirjuta vastuste põhjal kokkuvõte kasutates nii palju hulgasõnu kui võimalik. Su kokkuvõte on vähemalt 3 lauseline. Kes on kiirem, saab rohkem valikut kelle küsimuse vastustest kokkuvõte kirjutada. Püüame sama küsimusele 2 korda, mitte kokkuvõtet teha. )


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

5B: Quantifiers

Task 1: You have studied words about IT-technology with their definition. Let's get some feedback what you remember. (6min)

* Use your first name.
* You have 30 seconds to answer, your correct answers matter (not time).

Please do the Quizizz (The link is open till 'Friday 8.10am). Who wants to use the phone: joinmyquiz.com CODE: 382110

Task 2: Now let's go on with a bit of grammar today. We will continue with the same topic also on Friday.

Watch the video Let's revise what you have learned earlier WATCH (7min)

Task 3: SB ex 2/54 READ (3min)

Task 4: Translate the following phrases into English (you can find them from ex 2) WRITE (7 min)

1) Kas on informatsiooni?
2) tema elu iga detail
3) mõned tehnikavidinad
4) sama palju andmeid kui
5) vähe, kui üldse (sedagi)
6) pole ühtegi päeva
7) natuke aega
8) igüks neist / nende hulgas
9) kõik tema tehnikavidinad
10) nii palju süsteeme
11) mõned aastad
12) kaotama (natuke) kaalu
13) suurem osa tema tehnikaasjadest
14) mõlemal käel
15) kummalgi randmel

Now check your answers by scrolling down. (2min)

Task 5: SB ex 3/54 Which words are used with singular countable noun (ainsuses olev loendatav nimisõna), with uncountable noun (loendamatu nimisõna, millel mitmus puudub) or plural (mitmus). WRITE (3min)

Now check your answers by scrolling down (2min)

Task 6: SB ex 6-7/54 READ (5min)

Task 7: We've had 6 e-schooling lessons sofar. How are you handling it all? Leave 3 comments, emotions, suggestions, opinions.... (you can do that in Estonian) Click here: MENTIMETER (3min) Thank you!

Todal time: 38 min.

Anyway, that's all for today. Time to tell you:


1) Is there any information?
2) every detail of his life
3) some gadgets
4) as much data as
5) Few, if any
6) aren't any days
7) a little time
8) every one of them
9) all of his gadgets
10) so many systems
11) a few years
12) lose some weight
13) most of his gadgets
14) on both arms
15) on either wrist

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Unit 5A: Technology

Task 1: SB ex 1/52 Answer the questions. Can you translate all the purple words? If not, please use a dictionary. (READ and SPEAK, shouldn't take more than 5min)

Task 2: SB ex 3/52 write the missing words into your notebook and do the quiz. (WRITE, 7min)

Task 3: SB ex 4/53 read your result. Do you agree? Why? Why not? (SPEAK, 2min)

Task 4: SB ex 5/53 Match (WRITE nr/letter, 3 min)

Task 5: Translate all the following words. You can find them SB ex 1-5/52, but they are in random order (WRITE, 10min)

1) toime tulema digivahendi või tarkvaraga
2) veebilehe allapoole kerima
3) ajaveebi kirjutama
4) oma kasutajakontot uuendama
5) postitusi hindama
6) nutitark, arvutispets, IT-alal väga nutikas
7) infotehnoloogiaalased teadmised
8) sõnumit edasi saatma
9) kausta looma
10) tähise peale vajutama
11) lugerit kasutama
12) (juhtmega, kaabliga) ühendatud, sisse lülitatud
13) konkreetselt veebilehelt otsima
14) sotsiaalvõrgustiku keskkond
15) oma kasutajanime sisestama

Now check your answers (10 min): CLICK HERE

Monday, March 16, 2020

St Patrick's Day and Ireland

Task 1: Can you answer the following questions now? (You can take notes, if you wish. You do not have to send your teacher anything today.)

You can find the answers here: Ireland. Try to skim the text. (Ülesande eesmärgiks on pikemast ja raskemast tekstist leida just sinu jaoks vajalik fakt.)

* Which one is part of the United Kingdom and which one is an independent country? Northern Ireland / The Republic of Ireland

All the following questions are about the Republic of Ireland
* What's the population? (2019 estimate)
* What are the official languages?
* Is Ireland the least forested country in Europe?
* What's the highest point?
* What is Ireland's climate like?
* Which area gets the highest level of precipitation?
* What does Ireland mostly export?
* Which low-cost airline is registered in Ireland?
* What are the 3 biggest towns?
* Which music band has been the best-selling act?
* How is the Irish potato pancake called?
* Which 2 sports attract the biggest number of spectators?

Task 3: Watch and listen to the video carefully about St Patrick's Day

Task 4: Now go back to Stuudium and do the Quizizz test. You can find the link at Stuudium.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Unit 5: Answer Key

Task 2  (SB ex 3/52): 2) upload; 3) search; 4) update; 5) comment; 6) rate; 7) set up; 8) log on; 9) subscribe; 10) forward; 11) print; 12) install

Task 4 (SB ex 5/53):  1e, 2d, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6g, 7f, 8i, 9j, 10h

Task 5: 1) handle any gadget or software; 2) scroll down a page; 3) write a blog; 4) update your profile; 5) rate contributions; 6) tech-savvy, 7) knowledge of computer technology, 8) forward a text message, 9) create a folder; 10) click on an icon; 11) use an e-reader; 12) plugged in; 13) search within a specific website; 14) social-networking site; 15) enter your username